We must call things as they are--no more pussy footing, because it's a prisoner's dilemma. If good people are worried about being "nice" they'll get wrecked and replaced by the people with no morals
Absolutely, 100%. Whites have been socially engineered & covertly psychologically conditioned to have our very manners, tolerance, respect and civility weaponized AGAINST us by the ZOG media that has turned TOO many of our people into weak, snivelling, disgraceful, pathetic, white-guilted, utterly cucked EMBARRASSMENTS, more than prepared to apologise their way into OUR collective GRAVE 🪦. ENOUGH😡!!! You do NOT "tip-toe" around your sneering, openly declared ENEMIES for fear of "offending" them!! WTF!! Time for the White man & society to pick their BALLS back UP! ENOUGH of "this" shit!! Our MOST insidious enemies ARE these despicable collaborators in our OWN midst- "To the Bastille!! OFF with their HEADS!!" 🇬🇧✊🇺🇲
I concur, 100%. Black people MUST read the 3 volume book set "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews" by Louis Farrakhan and let HIM & HIS words educate them about just HOW MUCH the black race has been radicalised and propagandized into being the blunt instrument that those "ADL types😉" cynically, sneeringly USE & ABUSE to strike at hated "Whitey" with. Farrakhan makes it clear that for ALL the purported "pal's act" that the "abuser class" fraudulently pretends, the black community is afforded absolutely NO help nor assistance of economy, in business initiatives or organisational/managerial lasting support in community initiatives, projects, helping to grow & expand small business into larger, more consolidated & lasting successes, in ANYTHING at all of any lasting, beyond superficial success, & has instead only instigated, propagandized, and radicalised their community with petty, pedestrian, wholly disingenuous & antisocial, sub-political , racially motivated, superficial sloganeering, & HATRED of White people, contriving to blame US for the manipulation & exploitation that THEY, themselves, have exerted against the black community, USING them, as stated, as the blunt instrument to strike at Whitey with, in a (so far successful) attempt to blind them to the fact that they SHOULD be joining WITH us, at least at the level of immediate political expedience, against OUR common enemy: that parasite class who hate, exploit, despise & conspire against ALL of US! Not MY (paraphrased, admittedly) words, but those of minister Farrakhan. But, however, sadly, what we have instead is the likes of scumbag Jon "Stewart" Leibowitz on late night TV whining- "We jews & blacks should 'join together' to 'GET' Whitey!", & instead of thinking "WHY? For WHAT purpose Leibowitz? WHO does the 'dirty work' & takes all the risk of arrest for the results of the hatred YOU whip up, and the criminality you suggest WE adopt, & WHO gets another TV syndication deal, sponsorship with new advertisers, & a sweet seven figure pay ri$e, Hmmm 🤔💭?". But, I can't entertain any hope of THAT actually happening? The pure, unmitigated, unadulterated HATRED towards us that these "ADL😉types" have instigated & rabidly promoted & encouraged against us in EVERY other demographic, as well as in the black, has spread out of control like firmly established & furiously spreading🔥fire. The whole situation might've been considered a bad joke, but for the fact of US being the butt OF it?
Yes, truly- in a recent American survey/poll given to african Americans, FIFTY% of them vehemently responded, with undisguised, unashamed, evident aggression, that they absolutely HATED White people: HATED them. The organisation GENOCIDE WATCH now reports that there IS an unambiguous, longstanding & currently ongoing overt GENOCIDE occuring against White people in South Africa, where, we recall- the majority opposition party leader, Julius Malema, red communist/marxist beret upon his head, led a tens of thousands strong football arena of black africans, with single mind and voice, in a frenzied, repetitive chant of- "KILL dee BOER!! KILL dee WHITES!!", and a newly elected member of the South African cabinet ALSO recently gave a public speech where he openly raged & ranted hysterically about "KILLING White people!! Their woomanz, their babies!! We will KILL them!! Boo!! GRRRR!!!", and the odious Malema actually gave TV interviews where he stated "We are not calling for a full genocide of dee Whites........YET", & when the interviewer probed questioningly if this was a future possibility, he scowled aggressively, & repeated- "yet......". Tens of THOUSANDS of White South Africans have now been slaughtered, with an average of THIRTY a DAY now being murdered there, & yet, to Google the subject, you will ONLY have a singularly disparaging, sneeringly dismissive quality of links vomited back at you, MOCKING the entire issue as a "racist", "paranoid", "far-right extremist fantasy" & "conspiracy theory" of the "radical alt-right"!! The western media will say NOT ONE WORD about it but are INSTEAD BURYING the entire subject, directing the consciousness of the public AWAY from any awareness of this horrific tragedy, and INSTEAD instituting a full on attack on, & constant denigration OF White people, & the "evils" of our supposed lurking, ubiquitous, inescapable "privilege", & inextricable, foundational "racism" they allege so permeates our "ghastly whiteness"??!! You are RIGHT. YOU, I, WE, are emphatically NOT safe. Expect NO help, aid, security or justice from the police, courts, legislation, mainstream media and Google/Meta corporate technocracy's platforms, government, captured and corrupted cross-cultural arena, educational system and departments, or wider societal edifice & system. EVERYTHING, EVERY institution, organisation, social, economic, corporate, political, media, cultural, academic, professional (need I go on?) edifice, arena & forum has been captured, subverted, perverted, corrupted, weaponized & turned AGAINST the White race, & not merely in any limited, regional context or climate, but globally, ALL across the face of the WORLD. WE, the White race, have been scapegoated & painted as THE quintessential VILLAIN responsible for ALL the evils across & throughout the history OF this world. Sound "extreme", "paranoid", "ridiculous"?? It's categorically NOT. It has become the sad, sorrowful song of this world, its chorus- "KILL dee BOER!! KILL WHITEY!!". WE, in our OWN nations now, are NOT SAFE, and the mainstream media is burying, censoring, silencing & HIDING the vast majority of the daily tidal wave of undocumented, murderous, genocidal atrocities being committed AGAINST us. Visit the bitchute platform channel called "Undeniable Truth" and SEE the ghastly, atrocious, vicious, and obscene absolute ONSLAUGHT of what IS being DONE to us, READ the reports &/or WATCH the horrific footage of eg: the african American woman that walked up to a White woman stranger with a pram and SHOT her BABY in the FACE, because she "hated White people", the terrified 14 yr old autistic White girl brutally beaten into a permanently vegetative state by a savage, feral mob of blacks, the 14 yr old German girl repeatedly gang-raped by NINE migrants in a Hamburg public park for THREE HOURS, whose migrant rapists ALL escaped prison, but for one, because the court psychologist, herself of a migrant, non German origin, bleated to the judge that the defendants were "frustrated & culturally alienated", OR the White UK citizens who received two+ year long prison sentences for posting FACTS about such incidents and migration statistics, or posting flyers saying ONLY "ITS OK TO BE WHITE" whilst migrants who raped pre-pubescent, single digit aged little White British girls escape imprisonment, or, incredibly- the migrants who actually LIVESTREAMED their enaction of rape!!!? OR the fact of UK police KNOWING about, but REFUSING to investigate or prosecute any of the number of migrant grooming gangs in EVERY town and city of the UK, and THEN threatening, persecuting, harassing & ARRESTING the VICTIMS of it??!!! These are NOT "isolated, unconnected" nor "vanishingly rare" and exceptional occurrences, there IS, unfortunately, a PLANET wide EXPLOSION of this, & one need only attend the channels like Undeniable Truth on bitchute, or, installing Yandex as a search engine and browser (& DITCHING gatekeeping, lying, social engineering Google 😡), and search terms such as "white genocide", "replacement theory", "Kalergi Plan", "White slavery", "attacks against White people", and so on, & you WILL be ENGULFED by the most ghastly, horrific, awful, appalling and obscene barrage and tidal wave of the TRUE scale, import, premeditation and agenda of what is happening & being DONE to us, & you will KNOW beyond ANY doubt that it IS the result of a sinister, insidious, PLANNED agenda, that it IS the intended & successful result of recent years of social engineering & psychological conditioning and predictive programming, agenda setting, situational design, Pavlovian conditioning and behavioural modification and that it IS happening ALL OVER the WORLD now. It's NOT an "alt-right, paranoid conspiracy theory", I've personally WATCHED hours of eg: CCTV camera footage of these brutal, vicious, murderous attacks by mobs of black south Africans, or African Americans on ALWAYS LONE White girls, LONE White men, & I HAVE the frankly obscene, evil and abhorrent crime scene photography from some of these murders of WHOLE FAMILIES in south Africa (carried out with the knowledge, complicity and collusion of the government and POLICE!!?), I've SEEN the pictures of heaps of dismembered limbs and torso that "used" to be White women, mom, dad, grandma and the KIDS lying slaughtered on the floors of their OWN homes, the naked corpses of multiply gang raped White women, gutted, & hung upside down from rafters, & these more horrific latter examples aren't always specifically limited to the south African genocide, this is Europe, the UK, America TOO! Europe is on FIRE, & there are now "NO-GO ZONES" for Whites and patrolling mobs of migrant Muslims patrolling and enforcing their sharia law in England & ALL across the European continent's EVERY nation. The most upsetting thing I maybe watched was of a mob of several African Americans kicking & stamping on the head of a tiny teenage White girl, in a frikkin' MALL, for minutes, & minutes, & minutes, some laughing, jeering, taunting, but MOST raging hysterically in absolutely furious, pure HATRED, shouting every possible combination of racist threats and slurs & epithets, until, horribly, there WAS no more screaming from the victim, her poor, broken body just twitching horribly, spasmodically, and I will NEVER, EVER forget THAT awful sight. DON'T watch THAT stuff, I implore you, BUT- research enough to KNOW the TRUTH about the vast, undeniable scale of, and agenda BEHIND all of this. Make the REST of your community & kind AWARE of it, form groups, committees, neighbourhood watches, chaperones, & arrange activism AGAINST all of this, and the ever present potential for & risk OF it, but DON'T "formalise", "register", or "liaise" with law enforcement or local government or authorities, they are an ACTIVE PART of the system that has been weaponized AGAINST us, WILL NOT help you, and, I would go as far as to say- will PERSECUTE and OPPOSE you, "keep an eye" on you, and look for ANY excuse to exercise "lawfare" and their overt corruption & brutality AGAINST you. I apologise for being the bearer of bad news, & of such appalling fear pornography, but this IS all REALITY nowadays, sadly, & I just want us ALL to be SAFE. God🙏 bless.
I have found someone who is offensive as me. I no longer feel so alone 💘. The “cockles of my heart” have been truly warmed. For equally offensive and truthful content - these commodities are gaining traction as white people realise they have an ethnic interest that needs defending. I’m in London and so we dont have guns. If we did; I would have shot tons of Indians and pakis that have raped over 1m of our little children. My warning to my American cousins; 📛 DO NOT ALLOW INDIANS INTO YOUR COUNTRY . THEY ARE BROWN JEWS….THAT SMELL WORSE AND RAPE KIDS AS A CULTURAL PASTIME. THEY ARE THE NEW BIO WEAPON OF THE JEW. THERE ARE 1.7 BILLION OF THESE DEGENERATE SUB-HUMANS. ☮️
Yup 👍, and (of COURSE) when we "pull on the loose thread" & take a looksee at the "managing editor" position of this shit-smear of a grubby, inflammatory outfit of rabble rousing (white)race-baiting socialist propaganda & proto-activism- whadda we find-?? As with ALL media ownership, influence, & content direction and control, yet ANOTHER of "the usual suspects", & ANOTHER tediously predictable demonstration of the jew using the black to beat on the white(s), &, in my OWN country, here in Scotland in the UK, I have, once again, committed yet ANOTHER "criminal" act of so called "hate-speech", JUST for having observed the mechanism of a long known, patently obvious FACT & spoken it aloud, albeit that I didn't, & wrote it in text. There IS a similitude of (racial) population demographics & almost proportional identity in that sense, between Scotland & Maine, in that Scotland has apparently a population demographic asserting that still around 94/95% of our population is of the native, indigenous, Scots/Irish-Celtic/Anglo-Saxon, Caucasian/European people & general haplotype, but yet- the "sky begins to darken and night, begins to FALL"..... In the UK parliament some weeks back, the representative of the Scottish government & odious, traitorous, treacherous, treasonous Scottish "National" Party actually had the impudent, insolent, arrogant temerity & sheer gall to make the following statement- "Scotland has an immigration problem. We DON'T have ENOUGH migrants! Our administration are implementing a series of policy changes to "fix" and "address" that!" Wha-?? 😡 WTF??!! Oh yeah, sure........ cos, y'know, I was just thinking that we (in Scotland) hadn't yet had our OWN atrocious, barbaric, ritual slaughter of OUR children at the knife-clutchin' hand of some migrant(s) yet, and have had to just "get by" with the migrant grooming gangs, & racially motivated torture & murder of "just the ONE" schoolkid (by five pakistani men) at a time?! How very "racist" & "remiss" of us, huh? (R.I.P. Kris Donnell, we REMEMBER you). It's disgusting, disgraceful, obscene and abhorrent. My town is now VISIBLY filling up with MORE sub-saharan bantu africans EVERY single DAY. I pass the train station every day on my travels, &, no matter what time of day it is, I NEVER now pass there WITHOUT observing them spillin' outta there, en masse, suitcases, bags & kids in tow. A struggling, native single mother here gets a paltry child support benefit payment for ONLY her oldest child, whilst they get a weekly £40 "food allowance" payment (on TOP of that) for EVERY ONE of their generally SEVERAL children, are given a raft of welfare benefits & support that we native Scots are INELIGIBLE for, & CANNOT claim, notwithstanding the fact of their being pushed to the front of the queue for jobs, job adverts that actually say- "Whites need NOT apply" & the queue for housing, not ONE of them ever spending a SINGLE night of homelessness but OUR native citizens having to wait often YEARS for housing, & routinely being put out onto the streets!!? It's LITERALLY- outta the train station, paid for taxi STRAIGHT to the nice hotel to wait out the couple of days it takes to arrange for them to get the house offer that "magically" leapfrogged OVER those of us, who have typically waited YEARS, to immediately go to THEM?? The "great replacement/replacement"theory"/ white GENOCIDE", the vile Kalergi Plan- we are called "vicious, racist, far-right extremists & conspiracy theorists" & even receive prison sentences of TWO YEARS for outlining the existence & reality of these visible plots against us on antisocial media platforms, but the frikkin' E.U. & U.N.'s OWN websites have pages headed with the title "REPLACEMENT MIGRATION", and the scurrilous E.U. even awards a biannual "Kalergi Award" medal trinket for the European traitor puppet politician who has done the most to help EFFECT mass migration INTO Europe, (& it also recently being announced that Europe is to take another 75 MILLION african migrants over the next two years!!?) so how, in the flying fuck, can these possibly BE "racist, far-right extremist conspiracy theories", huh?? Riddle me THAT 'un, Batman??! I sympathise deeply with you, my White American brothers, and the situation with YOUR overrun borders, the domestic terrorist policies of crypto/dual🇮🇱citizen mayorkas, & the open, undisguised facilitation of the invading hordes by the likes of H.I.A.S., the Hebrew International Aid Society, & the odious ISRA-AID, and all the OTHER 100's of specifically judeo-NGO's, "charities", & "aid" societies so eagerly helping to destabilise and destroy America, and, incredibly- the treacherous collaboration of these utterly despicable zio/judeo-"Christian" 501c3 franchise ministries & pseudo-"churches", who actually respond to hate-filled and fuelled chants of "DEATH to🤬 AMERICA!!" with a "Well Howdy neighborino! Welcome to America!! I have 2 pure, virgin daughters you can grab & pass around, and a lil' pet 🐶 puppy dog if y'all are feelin' peckish? Welcome! Come 🫴 one, come ALL🫴!!". I do NOT mock nor ridicule your dire situation, only these asswipe "Christian" caricatures of collaborators who AID these savage, barbaric, invading criminal hordes, that, as shown in this clown's OWN stoopid graph above, AND in direct correlation with pan-European criminal statistics, with offender profiles linked to migration status, UNDENIABLY PROVE that THEIR sudden influx IS directly the CAUSE of the sudden explosion in sexual & violent crime??! It's the SAME deal over here. This IS a long planned, choreographed, co-ordinated, controlled demolition and takedown, simultaneously applied across the board, of the ENTIRE Western/1st world CIVILISATION, and these invaders are merely the symptoms of the disease, & tip of the spear, the disease itself, and the hand that HOLDS the spear are the great infiltrators, subverters, the creeping, duplicitous name-changers, the usurers, the usurpers, the pornographers, the white-slavers, & the world's leading child & organ traffickers, pedophile promoters & protectors, & rabidly militant racial supremacists......... I name them NOT: let them come & attack me, & in so doing- CLAIM & OWN all the disgusting & foul labels & charges listed above. We are in sorry shape, & deep, DEEP shit now, I'm afraid, & neither vax-daddy Drumpfstein zion-don nor the Q/maga-tard wet-dream fantasy fiction or ANY of the world's Epstein compromised zio-globalist puppet politicians intend to remedy it, they are, in fact, ALL IN ON IT, & whether openly or covertly, are ALL committed TO the promotion and solidification of the one-world NATO-GLADIO Swiss banking authority system of singular centralised zio-globalist autocracy and control, the 5th generation warfare, full spectrum dominance/ biodigital convergence/ WIBAN/ PAVE-PAWS, pacification and control/ track & trace, digital ID-/blockchained-CBDC/ points based social credit score/Universal Basic Income+linked carbon-credit index- "tokenised" digital money with a "use by" date (turned OFF when we misbehave, commit "thought" or "truth" crimes, or stray outside our "permitted", geo-fenced smart-city post/zip codes), and NOBODY "voted" for their chemtrailing the 7G meta-materials, smart-dust mesh saturation, graphene oxide, cadmium, barium, strontium 90, magnesium, lithium, aluminium chalk dust, morgellans fibres, modified bacterial pathogens/ mRNA materials, (etc....) that have ALREADY turned even we "purebloods" into augmented chimeras and highly conductive, frequency reactive, receivers/transmitters/ transponders and frikkin' BATTERIES, NOR did we "vote" for the 5G infrastructure infesting our towns and cities- the military grade weapons system technology of mark4 LED's in our streetlights, traffic lights, speed cameras and CCTV cameras, (etc) that have turned our EVERY community into an urban KILL-BOX, that, with or WITHOUT the jabs, WiFi routers, lil' black mirrors & smart devices, can be used as tight beam targeted phased arrays to pulse frequencies of directed electromagnetic microwave radiation at us, & slow-cook/torture and sicken us, as "targeted individuals" of the state, OR just drop us- "suddenly" dead in our beds, DONE. I don't think ANYBODY voted for ANY of THAT, but they're DOING IT anyway, & Biden, Trump, Musk and the head of the Federal Communications Commission and of the International Telecommunications Union are ALL "full steam ahead". But, first things first- the migration? It's a TRAP 🪤, & it is hoped that we WILL organize and enact a robust activism AGAINST it, which will then be CRUSHED immediately, whether by D.E.W.S. or conventional military force, in order that they can, at last, just go the WHOLE way and "Patriot Act" us into an unambiguous FEMA camp, police/prison-planet/surveillance state, of which- WE, the White, Western, notionally Christian, heterosexual, UNJABBED, non-compliant Caucasian peoples will be at the very bottom of the societal dungheap. Alas, I can see NO way OUTTA all of this? The C19 bioweapon jabs were engineered to penetrate & attack SPECIFICALLY the ACE2 receptors of the Caucasian European haplotypes & STERILISE us, ABORTION drugs HAVE been detected through laboratory analysis and found to be present in certain medications in White European nations, our public water supplies- laced with oestrogens to feminise our males, and gender-bending chemicals like Atrazine sprayed over all our crops. We ARE at WAR, & our visible enemies, on the front lines? Our cops, judges, doctors, media, government and the social engineering (the constant miscegenation "black man/white woman" agenda being pushed at us on TV) and psychological conditioning via our media, that infests our zeitgeist and popular culture has ALL been directly weaponized AGAINST us, and behind them, the visible traitors in EVERY component part of our society, media & political system, we KNOW who the REAL enemy is..........
Five-gem post! 💎💎💎💎💎
We must call things as they are--no more pussy footing, because it's a prisoner's dilemma. If good people are worried about being "nice" they'll get wrecked and replaced by the people with no morals
Absolutely, 100%. Whites have been socially engineered & covertly psychologically conditioned to have our very manners, tolerance, respect and civility weaponized AGAINST us by the ZOG media that has turned TOO many of our people into weak, snivelling, disgraceful, pathetic, white-guilted, utterly cucked EMBARRASSMENTS, more than prepared to apologise their way into OUR collective GRAVE 🪦. ENOUGH😡!!! You do NOT "tip-toe" around your sneering, openly declared ENEMIES for fear of "offending" them!! WTF!! Time for the White man & society to pick their BALLS back UP! ENOUGH of "this" shit!! Our MOST insidious enemies ARE these despicable collaborators in our OWN midst- "To the Bastille!! OFF with their HEADS!!" 🇬🇧✊🇺🇲
I concur, 100%. Black people MUST read the 3 volume book set "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews" by Louis Farrakhan and let HIM & HIS words educate them about just HOW MUCH the black race has been radicalised and propagandized into being the blunt instrument that those "ADL types😉" cynically, sneeringly USE & ABUSE to strike at hated "Whitey" with. Farrakhan makes it clear that for ALL the purported "pal's act" that the "abuser class" fraudulently pretends, the black community is afforded absolutely NO help nor assistance of economy, in business initiatives or organisational/managerial lasting support in community initiatives, projects, helping to grow & expand small business into larger, more consolidated & lasting successes, in ANYTHING at all of any lasting, beyond superficial success, & has instead only instigated, propagandized, and radicalised their community with petty, pedestrian, wholly disingenuous & antisocial, sub-political , racially motivated, superficial sloganeering, & HATRED of White people, contriving to blame US for the manipulation & exploitation that THEY, themselves, have exerted against the black community, USING them, as stated, as the blunt instrument to strike at Whitey with, in a (so far successful) attempt to blind them to the fact that they SHOULD be joining WITH us, at least at the level of immediate political expedience, against OUR common enemy: that parasite class who hate, exploit, despise & conspire against ALL of US! Not MY (paraphrased, admittedly) words, but those of minister Farrakhan. But, however, sadly, what we have instead is the likes of scumbag Jon "Stewart" Leibowitz on late night TV whining- "We jews & blacks should 'join together' to 'GET' Whitey!", & instead of thinking "WHY? For WHAT purpose Leibowitz? WHO does the 'dirty work' & takes all the risk of arrest for the results of the hatred YOU whip up, and the criminality you suggest WE adopt, & WHO gets another TV syndication deal, sponsorship with new advertisers, & a sweet seven figure pay ri$e, Hmmm 🤔💭?". But, I can't entertain any hope of THAT actually happening? The pure, unmitigated, unadulterated HATRED towards us that these "ADL😉types" have instigated & rabidly promoted & encouraged against us in EVERY other demographic, as well as in the black, has spread out of control like firmly established & furiously spreading🔥fire. The whole situation might've been considered a bad joke, but for the fact of US being the butt OF it?
I think you lost at "black people must read". lol
Now you know why many city police departments and corporate media don't want to mention the color or show the mugshots anymore.
Yes, truly- in a recent American survey/poll given to african Americans, FIFTY% of them vehemently responded, with undisguised, unashamed, evident aggression, that they absolutely HATED White people: HATED them. The organisation GENOCIDE WATCH now reports that there IS an unambiguous, longstanding & currently ongoing overt GENOCIDE occuring against White people in South Africa, where, we recall- the majority opposition party leader, Julius Malema, red communist/marxist beret upon his head, led a tens of thousands strong football arena of black africans, with single mind and voice, in a frenzied, repetitive chant of- "KILL dee BOER!! KILL dee WHITES!!", and a newly elected member of the South African cabinet ALSO recently gave a public speech where he openly raged & ranted hysterically about "KILLING White people!! Their woomanz, their babies!! We will KILL them!! Boo!! GRRRR!!!", and the odious Malema actually gave TV interviews where he stated "We are not calling for a full genocide of dee Whites........YET", & when the interviewer probed questioningly if this was a future possibility, he scowled aggressively, & repeated- "yet......". Tens of THOUSANDS of White South Africans have now been slaughtered, with an average of THIRTY a DAY now being murdered there, & yet, to Google the subject, you will ONLY have a singularly disparaging, sneeringly dismissive quality of links vomited back at you, MOCKING the entire issue as a "racist", "paranoid", "far-right extremist fantasy" & "conspiracy theory" of the "radical alt-right"!! The western media will say NOT ONE WORD about it but are INSTEAD BURYING the entire subject, directing the consciousness of the public AWAY from any awareness of this horrific tragedy, and INSTEAD instituting a full on attack on, & constant denigration OF White people, & the "evils" of our supposed lurking, ubiquitous, inescapable "privilege", & inextricable, foundational "racism" they allege so permeates our "ghastly whiteness"??!! You are RIGHT. YOU, I, WE, are emphatically NOT safe. Expect NO help, aid, security or justice from the police, courts, legislation, mainstream media and Google/Meta corporate technocracy's platforms, government, captured and corrupted cross-cultural arena, educational system and departments, or wider societal edifice & system. EVERYTHING, EVERY institution, organisation, social, economic, corporate, political, media, cultural, academic, professional (need I go on?) edifice, arena & forum has been captured, subverted, perverted, corrupted, weaponized & turned AGAINST the White race, & not merely in any limited, regional context or climate, but globally, ALL across the face of the WORLD. WE, the White race, have been scapegoated & painted as THE quintessential VILLAIN responsible for ALL the evils across & throughout the history OF this world. Sound "extreme", "paranoid", "ridiculous"?? It's categorically NOT. It has become the sad, sorrowful song of this world, its chorus- "KILL dee BOER!! KILL WHITEY!!". WE, in our OWN nations now, are NOT SAFE, and the mainstream media is burying, censoring, silencing & HIDING the vast majority of the daily tidal wave of undocumented, murderous, genocidal atrocities being committed AGAINST us. Visit the bitchute platform channel called "Undeniable Truth" and SEE the ghastly, atrocious, vicious, and obscene absolute ONSLAUGHT of what IS being DONE to us, READ the reports &/or WATCH the horrific footage of eg: the african American woman that walked up to a White woman stranger with a pram and SHOT her BABY in the FACE, because she "hated White people", the terrified 14 yr old autistic White girl brutally beaten into a permanently vegetative state by a savage, feral mob of blacks, the 14 yr old German girl repeatedly gang-raped by NINE migrants in a Hamburg public park for THREE HOURS, whose migrant rapists ALL escaped prison, but for one, because the court psychologist, herself of a migrant, non German origin, bleated to the judge that the defendants were "frustrated & culturally alienated", OR the White UK citizens who received two+ year long prison sentences for posting FACTS about such incidents and migration statistics, or posting flyers saying ONLY "ITS OK TO BE WHITE" whilst migrants who raped pre-pubescent, single digit aged little White British girls escape imprisonment, or, incredibly- the migrants who actually LIVESTREAMED their enaction of rape!!!? OR the fact of UK police KNOWING about, but REFUSING to investigate or prosecute any of the number of migrant grooming gangs in EVERY town and city of the UK, and THEN threatening, persecuting, harassing & ARRESTING the VICTIMS of it??!!! These are NOT "isolated, unconnected" nor "vanishingly rare" and exceptional occurrences, there IS, unfortunately, a PLANET wide EXPLOSION of this, & one need only attend the channels like Undeniable Truth on bitchute, or, installing Yandex as a search engine and browser (& DITCHING gatekeeping, lying, social engineering Google 😡), and search terms such as "white genocide", "replacement theory", "Kalergi Plan", "White slavery", "attacks against White people", and so on, & you WILL be ENGULFED by the most ghastly, horrific, awful, appalling and obscene barrage and tidal wave of the TRUE scale, import, premeditation and agenda of what is happening & being DONE to us, & you will KNOW beyond ANY doubt that it IS the result of a sinister, insidious, PLANNED agenda, that it IS the intended & successful result of recent years of social engineering & psychological conditioning and predictive programming, agenda setting, situational design, Pavlovian conditioning and behavioural modification and that it IS happening ALL OVER the WORLD now. It's NOT an "alt-right, paranoid conspiracy theory", I've personally WATCHED hours of eg: CCTV camera footage of these brutal, vicious, murderous attacks by mobs of black south Africans, or African Americans on ALWAYS LONE White girls, LONE White men, & I HAVE the frankly obscene, evil and abhorrent crime scene photography from some of these murders of WHOLE FAMILIES in south Africa (carried out with the knowledge, complicity and collusion of the government and POLICE!!?), I've SEEN the pictures of heaps of dismembered limbs and torso that "used" to be White women, mom, dad, grandma and the KIDS lying slaughtered on the floors of their OWN homes, the naked corpses of multiply gang raped White women, gutted, & hung upside down from rafters, & these more horrific latter examples aren't always specifically limited to the south African genocide, this is Europe, the UK, America TOO! Europe is on FIRE, & there are now "NO-GO ZONES" for Whites and patrolling mobs of migrant Muslims patrolling and enforcing their sharia law in England & ALL across the European continent's EVERY nation. The most upsetting thing I maybe watched was of a mob of several African Americans kicking & stamping on the head of a tiny teenage White girl, in a frikkin' MALL, for minutes, & minutes, & minutes, some laughing, jeering, taunting, but MOST raging hysterically in absolutely furious, pure HATRED, shouting every possible combination of racist threats and slurs & epithets, until, horribly, there WAS no more screaming from the victim, her poor, broken body just twitching horribly, spasmodically, and I will NEVER, EVER forget THAT awful sight. DON'T watch THAT stuff, I implore you, BUT- research enough to KNOW the TRUTH about the vast, undeniable scale of, and agenda BEHIND all of this. Make the REST of your community & kind AWARE of it, form groups, committees, neighbourhood watches, chaperones, & arrange activism AGAINST all of this, and the ever present potential for & risk OF it, but DON'T "formalise", "register", or "liaise" with law enforcement or local government or authorities, they are an ACTIVE PART of the system that has been weaponized AGAINST us, WILL NOT help you, and, I would go as far as to say- will PERSECUTE and OPPOSE you, "keep an eye" on you, and look for ANY excuse to exercise "lawfare" and their overt corruption & brutality AGAINST you. I apologise for being the bearer of bad news, & of such appalling fear pornography, but this IS all REALITY nowadays, sadly, & I just want us ALL to be SAFE. God🙏 bless.
We must fight we must push back!!! This is unacceptable! People have every right to live in a safe neighborhood.
I have found someone who is offensive as me. I no longer feel so alone 💘. The “cockles of my heart” have been truly warmed. For equally offensive and truthful content - these commodities are gaining traction as white people realise they have an ethnic interest that needs defending. I’m in London and so we dont have guns. If we did; I would have shot tons of Indians and pakis that have raped over 1m of our little children. My warning to my American cousins; 📛 DO NOT ALLOW INDIANS INTO YOUR COUNTRY . THEY ARE BROWN JEWS….THAT SMELL WORSE AND RAPE KIDS AS A CULTURAL PASTIME. THEY ARE THE NEW BIO WEAPON OF THE JEW. THERE ARE 1.7 BILLION OF THESE DEGENERATE SUB-HUMANS. ☮️
Per Capita enters the room.
Yup 👍, and (of COURSE) when we "pull on the loose thread" & take a looksee at the "managing editor" position of this shit-smear of a grubby, inflammatory outfit of rabble rousing (white)race-baiting socialist propaganda & proto-activism- whadda we find-?? As with ALL media ownership, influence, & content direction and control, yet ANOTHER of "the usual suspects", & ANOTHER tediously predictable demonstration of the jew using the black to beat on the white(s), &, in my OWN country, here in Scotland in the UK, I have, once again, committed yet ANOTHER "criminal" act of so called "hate-speech", JUST for having observed the mechanism of a long known, patently obvious FACT & spoken it aloud, albeit that I didn't, & wrote it in text. There IS a similitude of (racial) population demographics & almost proportional identity in that sense, between Scotland & Maine, in that Scotland has apparently a population demographic asserting that still around 94/95% of our population is of the native, indigenous, Scots/Irish-Celtic/Anglo-Saxon, Caucasian/European people & general haplotype, but yet- the "sky begins to darken and night, begins to FALL"..... In the UK parliament some weeks back, the representative of the Scottish government & odious, traitorous, treacherous, treasonous Scottish "National" Party actually had the impudent, insolent, arrogant temerity & sheer gall to make the following statement- "Scotland has an immigration problem. We DON'T have ENOUGH migrants! Our administration are implementing a series of policy changes to "fix" and "address" that!" Wha-?? 😡 WTF??!! Oh yeah, sure........ cos, y'know, I was just thinking that we (in Scotland) hadn't yet had our OWN atrocious, barbaric, ritual slaughter of OUR children at the knife-clutchin' hand of some migrant(s) yet, and have had to just "get by" with the migrant grooming gangs, & racially motivated torture & murder of "just the ONE" schoolkid (by five pakistani men) at a time?! How very "racist" & "remiss" of us, huh? (R.I.P. Kris Donnell, we REMEMBER you). It's disgusting, disgraceful, obscene and abhorrent. My town is now VISIBLY filling up with MORE sub-saharan bantu africans EVERY single DAY. I pass the train station every day on my travels, &, no matter what time of day it is, I NEVER now pass there WITHOUT observing them spillin' outta there, en masse, suitcases, bags & kids in tow. A struggling, native single mother here gets a paltry child support benefit payment for ONLY her oldest child, whilst they get a weekly £40 "food allowance" payment (on TOP of that) for EVERY ONE of their generally SEVERAL children, are given a raft of welfare benefits & support that we native Scots are INELIGIBLE for, & CANNOT claim, notwithstanding the fact of their being pushed to the front of the queue for jobs, job adverts that actually say- "Whites need NOT apply" & the queue for housing, not ONE of them ever spending a SINGLE night of homelessness but OUR native citizens having to wait often YEARS for housing, & routinely being put out onto the streets!!? It's LITERALLY- outta the train station, paid for taxi STRAIGHT to the nice hotel to wait out the couple of days it takes to arrange for them to get the house offer that "magically" leapfrogged OVER those of us, who have typically waited YEARS, to immediately go to THEM?? The "great replacement/replacement"theory"/ white GENOCIDE", the vile Kalergi Plan- we are called "vicious, racist, far-right extremists & conspiracy theorists" & even receive prison sentences of TWO YEARS for outlining the existence & reality of these visible plots against us on antisocial media platforms, but the frikkin' E.U. & U.N.'s OWN websites have pages headed with the title "REPLACEMENT MIGRATION", and the scurrilous E.U. even awards a biannual "Kalergi Award" medal trinket for the European traitor puppet politician who has done the most to help EFFECT mass migration INTO Europe, (& it also recently being announced that Europe is to take another 75 MILLION african migrants over the next two years!!?) so how, in the flying fuck, can these possibly BE "racist, far-right extremist conspiracy theories", huh?? Riddle me THAT 'un, Batman??! I sympathise deeply with you, my White American brothers, and the situation with YOUR overrun borders, the domestic terrorist policies of crypto/dual🇮🇱citizen mayorkas, & the open, undisguised facilitation of the invading hordes by the likes of H.I.A.S., the Hebrew International Aid Society, & the odious ISRA-AID, and all the OTHER 100's of specifically judeo-NGO's, "charities", & "aid" societies so eagerly helping to destabilise and destroy America, and, incredibly- the treacherous collaboration of these utterly despicable zio/judeo-"Christian" 501c3 franchise ministries & pseudo-"churches", who actually respond to hate-filled and fuelled chants of "DEATH to🤬 AMERICA!!" with a "Well Howdy neighborino! Welcome to America!! I have 2 pure, virgin daughters you can grab & pass around, and a lil' pet 🐶 puppy dog if y'all are feelin' peckish? Welcome! Come 🫴 one, come ALL🫴!!". I do NOT mock nor ridicule your dire situation, only these asswipe "Christian" caricatures of collaborators who AID these savage, barbaric, invading criminal hordes, that, as shown in this clown's OWN stoopid graph above, AND in direct correlation with pan-European criminal statistics, with offender profiles linked to migration status, UNDENIABLY PROVE that THEIR sudden influx IS directly the CAUSE of the sudden explosion in sexual & violent crime??! It's the SAME deal over here. This IS a long planned, choreographed, co-ordinated, controlled demolition and takedown, simultaneously applied across the board, of the ENTIRE Western/1st world CIVILISATION, and these invaders are merely the symptoms of the disease, & tip of the spear, the disease itself, and the hand that HOLDS the spear are the great infiltrators, subverters, the creeping, duplicitous name-changers, the usurers, the usurpers, the pornographers, the white-slavers, & the world's leading child & organ traffickers, pedophile promoters & protectors, & rabidly militant racial supremacists......... I name them NOT: let them come & attack me, & in so doing- CLAIM & OWN all the disgusting & foul labels & charges listed above. We are in sorry shape, & deep, DEEP shit now, I'm afraid, & neither vax-daddy Drumpfstein zion-don nor the Q/maga-tard wet-dream fantasy fiction or ANY of the world's Epstein compromised zio-globalist puppet politicians intend to remedy it, they are, in fact, ALL IN ON IT, & whether openly or covertly, are ALL committed TO the promotion and solidification of the one-world NATO-GLADIO Swiss banking authority system of singular centralised zio-globalist autocracy and control, the 5th generation warfare, full spectrum dominance/ biodigital convergence/ WIBAN/ PAVE-PAWS, pacification and control/ track & trace, digital ID-/blockchained-CBDC/ points based social credit score/Universal Basic Income+linked carbon-credit index- "tokenised" digital money with a "use by" date (turned OFF when we misbehave, commit "thought" or "truth" crimes, or stray outside our "permitted", geo-fenced smart-city post/zip codes), and NOBODY "voted" for their chemtrailing the 7G meta-materials, smart-dust mesh saturation, graphene oxide, cadmium, barium, strontium 90, magnesium, lithium, aluminium chalk dust, morgellans fibres, modified bacterial pathogens/ mRNA materials, (etc....) that have ALREADY turned even we "purebloods" into augmented chimeras and highly conductive, frequency reactive, receivers/transmitters/ transponders and frikkin' BATTERIES, NOR did we "vote" for the 5G infrastructure infesting our towns and cities- the military grade weapons system technology of mark4 LED's in our streetlights, traffic lights, speed cameras and CCTV cameras, (etc) that have turned our EVERY community into an urban KILL-BOX, that, with or WITHOUT the jabs, WiFi routers, lil' black mirrors & smart devices, can be used as tight beam targeted phased arrays to pulse frequencies of directed electromagnetic microwave radiation at us, & slow-cook/torture and sicken us, as "targeted individuals" of the state, OR just drop us- "suddenly" dead in our beds, DONE. I don't think ANYBODY voted for ANY of THAT, but they're DOING IT anyway, & Biden, Trump, Musk and the head of the Federal Communications Commission and of the International Telecommunications Union are ALL "full steam ahead". But, first things first- the migration? It's a TRAP 🪤, & it is hoped that we WILL organize and enact a robust activism AGAINST it, which will then be CRUSHED immediately, whether by D.E.W.S. or conventional military force, in order that they can, at last, just go the WHOLE way and "Patriot Act" us into an unambiguous FEMA camp, police/prison-planet/surveillance state, of which- WE, the White, Western, notionally Christian, heterosexual, UNJABBED, non-compliant Caucasian peoples will be at the very bottom of the societal dungheap. Alas, I can see NO way OUTTA all of this? The C19 bioweapon jabs were engineered to penetrate & attack SPECIFICALLY the ACE2 receptors of the Caucasian European haplotypes & STERILISE us, ABORTION drugs HAVE been detected through laboratory analysis and found to be present in certain medications in White European nations, our public water supplies- laced with oestrogens to feminise our males, and gender-bending chemicals like Atrazine sprayed over all our crops. We ARE at WAR, & our visible enemies, on the front lines? Our cops, judges, doctors, media, government and the social engineering (the constant miscegenation "black man/white woman" agenda being pushed at us on TV) and psychological conditioning via our media, that infests our zeitgeist and popular culture has ALL been directly weaponized AGAINST us, and behind them, the visible traitors in EVERY component part of our society, media & political system, we KNOW who the REAL enemy is..........
Thank you. Most of the Midwest has already fallen. I wish it wasn’t so.