ADL Announces Network of Jew Spies Embedded in 150 College Campuses
Every Jew Student is Now a Spy Against Students & Faculty
The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) is an organization of sick perverted Jews that was founded by the secretive criminal network B'nai B'rith in order to rehabilitate the reputation of a convicted Jew rapist and murderer of a 13-year-old girl, while ideally preventing future such convictions of Jews, no matter how equally well-deserved.
And the ADL is proven1 to be a spy ring illegally gathering intelligence on U.S. citizens. In 1993, police raided their San Francisco and L.A. offices and discovered that they were so, and had intelligence files built on 10,000 American citizens including information illegally obtained from law enforcement agencies.
Today, the criminal ADL is headed by the demon spawn and enemy of America freely walking our streets without fear, wart-faced, snake-eyed Jonathan Greenblatt.
Greenblatt has just announced2 a new network of Jewish spies on the campuses of graduate schools throughout America, by partnering with an outfit called the Jewish Graduate Organization (JGO) 3 that has already infiltrated these campuses.4
Using the existing network of the JGO, the ADL will provide "enhanced antisemitism reporting tools" to students, which Greenblatt justifies with the hyperbole, "Students are facing horrific levels of antisemitic harassment on campus."
This shows the wisdom of the old Polish proverb, "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you," because Greenblatt's implementation is not to curb harassment; it's for Jews to CONDUCT HARASSMENT…of anyone who dares criticize them.
Obviously, there's already a well-known system for reporting harassment, which is a crime. It's called the police department. Further, every college has a disciplinary system in place to punish genuine harassment.
No, what Greenblatt and the rest of the Jews of the ADL want is an effective way to report students who lawfully speak out against Israel, so they can be subjected to harassment by Jews as retaliation, mostly in the form of stochastic terrorism, and economic punishment, such as was done by the Jew Adam Guillette with his well-publicized campaign of using a "doxxing truck" to harm students who protested sickening war crimes by Israel.5
Guillette’s Jewish group tracked down the home address of the parents of such students, and then parked outside the parents' homes a large truck plastered with a student’s face and name as "[School name]'s Leading Antisemite", along with a dedicated URL using that student's name, "" slandering him or her as an antisemite, designed to come up in Google searches by future prospective employers of each student.
Punishment of Faculty Too
Just as Jew Adam Guillette's doxing truck campaign also punished school faculty and staff,6 so too is the ADL on-campus Jew spy network to report and intimidate faculty who might say anything about Israel that a Jew student (spy) doesn't like.
Students and faculty at over 150 school campuses7 are now being surveilled by this Jew spy network announced by the ADL which has turned every Jew student on your campus into a spy for hostile organized Jewry.
With arrogant announcement by the ADL of this Jewish spy network throughout our colleges, Jews just prove yet again that they are incompatible with a free and open society, and can't be allowed to live here.
On one hand, Jews use a host society's openness against it, in order to infiltrate and subvert it, and then dominate it through ethnic nepotism, collusion, and conspiracy. Once so dominated, Jews reveal themselves to be the tyrants and stochastic terrorists they genetically are, waging annihilation of even tepid critics of the Jewish push for their total domination.
Jews can't be tolerated. They must be made to leave, all of them, and soon. Their presence among us means slavery to organized Jewry, and the death of everything wholesome and good. They are the eternal enemy of all mankind.8
Los Angles Times, “Evidence of ADL Spy Operation Seized by Police”
157 schools, listed here:
They will do whatever it takes to take us down, as ours is the only race with enough strength, brain and power to stand in their way. They serve themselves to reach their goals, regardless of the methods they have to use: infiltration, changing names, spying, killing, lying, manipulating—you name it.
What do they have that we don't? From my personal experience, if one rat settles in a 'warm' place, it will bring a bunch of its kind together, pushing everyone else away. Every day, my
despise for them grows.
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