They will do whatever it takes to take us down, as ours is the only race with enough strength, brain and power to stand in their way. They serve themselves to reach their goals, regardless of the methods they have to use: infiltration, changing names, spying, killing, lying, manipulating—you name it.
What do they have that we don't? From my personal experience, if one rat settles in a 'warm' place, it will bring a bunch of its kind together, pushing everyone else away. Every day, my
They have nepotism! Us Whites are altruistic and have empathy for others. This, in my humble opinion, is part of our downfall. We need to do what they do, regardless of opinions about religion or whatever we need to be focused on race first, above everything else.
My friend from the Dominican asked why don’t Americans take care of each other like Dominicans do?!
She said that she is in a chat group, a message group on her phone, with 10 people from the Dominican at her place of employment, including several she does not like at all. One is a mother who leaves her small children at night at home and goes out. No one will squeal on her in her group, of course.
But anyway, when at work they get Chinese food or something that is special they all tell each other so that they could rush up their first. They try to help each other in any situation.
She asked me why Americans don’t do that ?!?
We would get charged with racism and immediately fired !!! but it’s OK for everyone else
Good point. There's really two aspects to that. One is the degree of ethnic/racial solidarity by whites generally, which seems to naturally be low compared to other groups. People have written about this, such as Professor Kevin MacDonald, where whites generally are more egalitarian and less tribal, more willing to evaluate individuals based on their merit and practical value rather than tribal (race/ethnic) affiliation.
The second is what the Dominicans asked you about, Americans specifically. Americans lack the same sense of ethnic solidarity because we were deliberately fractured into a polygot society starting about 140 years ago. Prior to that America had a chance to gel into a real "nation", a typical kind of ethnic solidarity (at least to the degree commonly found in Europe). America was settled mostly by British Isles, then followed early to mid 1800s by Germans and Scandinavians, all very closely related racial groups, and overwhelmingly Protestant. Had America been allowed to progress for another 4 or 5 generations untampered with, it likely would have melded into a perceived "American" ethnicity, similar to how today's English are an amalgam of native Briton, Anglo-Saxon, and Danish.
But the flood of very different southern and eastern Europeans starting around 1880 weakened that fabric, only to be compounded later after Jews succeeded in their decades-long agenda to overturn our 1920 immigration law, which they did in 1965 that opened the floodgates to the turd world.
Correct. They are a unified team, even if it looks like they aren't. The leftist Marxists and the ultraconservative open Zionists hide behind a deceptive front of animosity, but it all comes together to ultimately protect Israel. I notice this in pro-Palestinian groups. The moment they go into a histrionic fury over "nazis" "infiltrating " their group---always after anyone (rightly) notices how Israel's crimes devotedly follow the Talmud, I know it's another casualty of the jewish method of "move over, we'll take it from here". The problem with Gentiles is that we have a sense of honor. The jews , when interacting with us, have absolutely none. This is their advantage---to sink to the absolute lowest possible depth of slime in order to win. They are malignant narcissists to the core. And no---not all! But the ones able to do anything influential most certainly are, and they all work together.
So true. "The problem with Gentiles is that we have a sense of honor." - it's one of those cases where something (like honor) can be both a gift and a curse.
Extremely trenchant.magidterisl...focused article.The Overton window is clearly shifting..a revolution in social consciousness has occured... ..from demonic stalinistic Jewish political correctness to many razor sharp individuals ferociously understanding and extrapolating on the JQ.**..Links....John Chrysostom..Maryin luther...Charles Lindbergh....Henry Ford..pastor James Wickstrom..Harry Vox...Davud James..William Luther Pierce...e.m.jones....The Occidental Observer...many resources for new readers and young people who need answers...Excellent Article.
Thankk you ..Mr.Americsn in Exile*.
Welcomee to the New American Kristal Nacht** Let all decent folk Rearm Now**
I only just discovered you today, and just read several of your most recent articles. I really like the way you write! It's hard for me to describe exactly why or what it is about it. I think it has something to do with the tone, maybe. I wish I could be more specific, but I at least wanted to say how much I'm enjoying it. Please don't stop.
They will do whatever it takes to take us down, as ours is the only race with enough strength, brain and power to stand in their way. They serve themselves to reach their goals, regardless of the methods they have to use: infiltration, changing names, spying, killing, lying, manipulating—you name it.
What do they have that we don't? From my personal experience, if one rat settles in a 'warm' place, it will bring a bunch of its kind together, pushing everyone else away. Every day, my
despise for them grows.
They have nepotism! Us Whites are altruistic and have empathy for others. This, in my humble opinion, is part of our downfall. We need to do what they do, regardless of opinions about religion or whatever we need to be focused on race first, above everything else.
My friend from the Dominican asked why don’t Americans take care of each other like Dominicans do?!
She said that she is in a chat group, a message group on her phone, with 10 people from the Dominican at her place of employment, including several she does not like at all. One is a mother who leaves her small children at night at home and goes out. No one will squeal on her in her group, of course.
But anyway, when at work they get Chinese food or something that is special they all tell each other so that they could rush up their first. They try to help each other in any situation.
She asked me why Americans don’t do that ?!?
We would get charged with racism and immediately fired !!! but it’s OK for everyone else
Good point. There's really two aspects to that. One is the degree of ethnic/racial solidarity by whites generally, which seems to naturally be low compared to other groups. People have written about this, such as Professor Kevin MacDonald, where whites generally are more egalitarian and less tribal, more willing to evaluate individuals based on their merit and practical value rather than tribal (race/ethnic) affiliation.
The second is what the Dominicans asked you about, Americans specifically. Americans lack the same sense of ethnic solidarity because we were deliberately fractured into a polygot society starting about 140 years ago. Prior to that America had a chance to gel into a real "nation", a typical kind of ethnic solidarity (at least to the degree commonly found in Europe). America was settled mostly by British Isles, then followed early to mid 1800s by Germans and Scandinavians, all very closely related racial groups, and overwhelmingly Protestant. Had America been allowed to progress for another 4 or 5 generations untampered with, it likely would have melded into a perceived "American" ethnicity, similar to how today's English are an amalgam of native Briton, Anglo-Saxon, and Danish.
But the flood of very different southern and eastern Europeans starting around 1880 weakened that fabric, only to be compounded later after Jews succeeded in their decades-long agenda to overturn our 1920 immigration law, which they did in 1965 that opened the floodgates to the turd world.
Thank you for that reply. It’s all gotten so out of hand.
Correct. They are a unified team, even if it looks like they aren't. The leftist Marxists and the ultraconservative open Zionists hide behind a deceptive front of animosity, but it all comes together to ultimately protect Israel. I notice this in pro-Palestinian groups. The moment they go into a histrionic fury over "nazis" "infiltrating " their group---always after anyone (rightly) notices how Israel's crimes devotedly follow the Talmud, I know it's another casualty of the jewish method of "move over, we'll take it from here". The problem with Gentiles is that we have a sense of honor. The jews , when interacting with us, have absolutely none. This is their advantage---to sink to the absolute lowest possible depth of slime in order to win. They are malignant narcissists to the core. And no---not all! But the ones able to do anything influential most certainly are, and they all work together.
So true. "The problem with Gentiles is that we have a sense of honor." - it's one of those cases where something (like honor) can be both a gift and a curse.
Extremely trenchant.magidterisl...focused article.The Overton window is clearly shifting..a revolution in social consciousness has occured... ..from demonic stalinistic Jewish political correctness to many razor sharp individuals ferociously understanding and extrapolating on the JQ.**..Links....John Chrysostom..Maryin luther...Charles Lindbergh....Henry Ford..pastor James Wickstrom..Harry Vox...Davud James..William Luther Pierce...e.m.jones....The Occidental Observer...many resources for new readers and young people who need answers...Excellent Article.
Thankk you ..Mr.Americsn in Exile*.
Welcomee to the New American Kristal Nacht** Let all decent folk Rearm Now**
I only just discovered you today, and just read several of your most recent articles. I really like the way you write! It's hard for me to describe exactly why or what it is about it. I think it has something to do with the tone, maybe. I wish I could be more specific, but I at least wanted to say how much I'm enjoying it. Please don't stop.
jew spies? how orginal
Leo Frank didn’t commit penetrative rape. Don’t know why people keep saying this when the facts are clear.
No, that is not "clear". One of the examiners testified there was injury inside her vagina.