Negroid Invader of Maine Pretending to Be Reporter, Lies About Negro Crime There
It also pretends to be a human with its chemically straightened hair
Maine is one of only a handful of refuges left in the U.S. with a demographic similar to what most of America had prior to the Jews abolishing our immigration quotas in 1965. Without significant manufacturing, Maine also escaped the disastrous Great Migration that saw white America infected by a cancerous spread in the mid-20th century of negroes from their tumor in the Deep South into northern industrial centers, which destroyed formerly prosperous cities like Detroit and turned them into decrepit African shitholes.
Maine is 91.8% white,1 and blessedly only 2.1% negroid,2 (and used to be virtually zero), and so Maine is a target of the Jew-led leftist social engineers on a mission to pull Maine down into the mud, closer to the soon-to-be white minority U.S. average.
Leftist media is at the forefront of that war against Maine, with its typical gaslighting and lies, being paid for by your consumer spending which gets passed to them as advertising fees, so that your own consumption to maintain your quality of life, is redirected to destroy your ability to maintain your quality of life.
A low-IQ footsoldier in that war against Maine is a negroid using the name Rya Wooten, who knuckle-walked out of the African jungle shithole that her species turned formerly-safe Memphis, TN into. Memphis is now one of the most dysfunctional crime-ridden Little Africas in formerly first-world America. Memphis has a higher violent crime rate than the much larger, jigaboo-dominated cities of St. Louis and Baltimore, because Memphis's percentage of rape apes 3 is even higher than those notorious black cesspits.
The sheboon Rya Wooten was recruited away from Memphis by a Maine NBC affiliate owned by leftist-activist Tegna Inc. located in New York City.
The propaganda outlet/advertising racket named News Center Maine, ran a TV segment where Wooten attempts to gaslight Mainers about the criminal nature of her black subspecies, in contradiction to the Mainers' own common sense and ability to observe, which she is railing against with indignant pant-hoots (where her last name "Wooten" literally sounds like a chimpanzee pant-hoot and is probably how she got it).
First, Wooten deceptively frames her propaganda piece as that Mainers are falsely perceiving that crime is increasing, despite that it’s decreasing, and are unfairly blaming a nonexistent increase on the influx of porch monkeys simply because "those others don't look like they do."
But in fact, Mainers upset by an increase in crime are CORRECTLY correlating that to their PROXIMITY TO BLACKS, not the crime rate of the entire state overall.
Overall crime rates go up and down due to many factors including changes in law enforcement budgets, changes in the economy and much more. A drop in the crime rate in the entire state of Maine is separate and distinct from the crime rate IF YOU'RE AROUND NIGGERS.
Around the 3:06 mark of the sheboon's propaganda video, she displays a bar chart from a state study, over which her stereotypical black mush-mouthed narration says, "Most crime in Maine is committed by white offenders."
Yes, most crime in Maine is committed by whites, as it should be, because whites are NINETY-TWO PERCENT of the population, you dumb coon. One could really go either way as to whether the sheboon Rya Wooten is being intentionally deceptive, or if Wooten just really is that dumb. (One should never underestimate how maddeningly stupid the negroid animal is).
The very graph Wooten displayed proves her deception, showing that her pavement-ape species, despite being only 2% of the population, committed FIFTEEN PERCENT of the crime.4 That means that any given nigger in Maine is EIGHT TIMES MORE LIKELY to commit a crime, than a white is.
THIS is what Mainers are noticing, are responding to, and are commenting on. The dumb ape Wooten, from a subspecies of hominid that never created the wheel (even after seeing it), never invented weaving, never domesticated a single animal, never built anything beyond huts of mud or sticks, never developed a written language, has the gall to lecture us whites — the group that learned how to generate and harness electricity, invented the internal combustion engine, explored and mapped the entire globe, invented satellites, and put a man on the moon — that we’re stupid to falsely believe crime in Maine is going up despite it really going down.
In fact, Mainers are noticing, correctly, that blacks mean more crime, here EIGHT TIMES as much crime, according to this porch monkey’s own cited numbers.
The sooner that propaganda station masquerading as news and all the other legacy media dies, along with the people behind it, the better the world will be.
And it's why we need to make advertising illegal. These propaganda mills only survive because they're perceived as being no-cost, i.e. free to watch. If people had to pay to watch their lies, such media would all die because no one would put up with paying to be lied to like this Maine NBC affiliate and its negro pet are doing. In the meantime, they continue with such flagrant gaslighting because no one ever calls them out on it, no one ever pushes back.
It’s about time we started pushing back.
Memphis TN: only 23% white vs. 63% African rape ape.
Whites, despite being 92% of the population, committed only 85% of the crime.
Five-gem post! 💎💎💎💎💎
We must call things as they are--no more pussy footing, because it's a prisoner's dilemma. If good people are worried about being "nice" they'll get wrecked and replaced by the people with no morals
Now you know why many city police departments and corporate media don't want to mention the color or show the mugshots anymore.